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The following table gives an overview of the different names and settings of native Android (Kotlin), native iOS (Swift) or Flutter (Dart) for iOS / Android apps.

Android (Kotlin)iOS (Swift)Flutter (Dart)
Official passkeys implementation adviceAndroid DeveloperApple DeveloperNone yet, use the platform-specific solution
Requires whitelisting of passkey API endpointNoYes - via AASAPlatform-specific solution
Allows sharing of passkeys with web appYes - via DALYes - via AASAPlatform-specific solution
Allows interception of link from email magic linkYes - via DALYes - via AASAPlatform-specific solution
Name of link interception ("Open link directly in native app")Android App LinksUniversal LinkingDeep Linking
Location of association solution
File cachedYes (by Play Services)Yes (since iOS 14), initial sync may take up to 24 hoursPlatform-specific solution
By-pass possibleYes, with alternate mode sectionPlatform-specific solution
Testable withGoogle API (you need to change the value for source parameter)Branch.ioPlatform-specific solution
App identifier exampleSHA-256 fingerprint E3:F9:E1:E0:CF:99:D0:E5: 6A:05:5B:A6:5E:24:1B:33: 99:F7:CE:A5:24:32:6B:0C: DD:6E:C1:32:7E:D0:FD:C1TeamID.BundleID solution
Where to find identifier
  • When already uploaded: Google Play Console -> Release management -> App signing
  • Local: keytool -list -v -keystore <keystore path> -alias <key alias> -storepass <store password> -keypass <key password>
The TeamID can be found in the developer account on and the BundleID is the exact name from within the Xcode project.Platform-specific solution
Name of section that links native app to web appdelegate_permission/ common.handle_all_urlsapplinksPlatform-specific solution
Name of section that allows credential sharing between native app and web appdelegate_permission/ common.get_login_credswebcredentialsPlatform-specific solution
Registry of association filesList hostnames with <data>-entry in AndroidManifest.xml in the specific activity (part of Android app source code). The <intent-filter android:autoVerify="true"> needs to be autoVerify=true. (Source)Enable and add associated domain in Xcode development environment (setting of property to generate entitlements file)(Source)
  • Android: Add flutter_deeplinking_enabled to AndroidManifest.xml (Source)
  • iOS: Add FlutterDeepLinkingEnabled=true to Info.plist. (Source)
Helpful tutorials on native passkey implementation
Ongoing development within platformAndroid 14 introduces third party access to passkeys with example application that stores public keys only offline and uses new Credential API.

The minimum setup for a passwordless native app would be:

  • Register passkeys on the correct rpID (e.g., so that both the respective web app (e.g. running at or and also the native ACME app on iOS / Android can access the passkeys.
  • Email magic links should be directly opened in the native app: when an email magic link from Corbado is clicked, the native app is opened directly (the native app needs to handle the incoming email magic link and talk to Corbado's frontend API at
    • Problem 1: The email magic link is Corbado's Application URL. So it is the URL where the web components are embedded (usually the browser URL). If no Application URL is specified, the Corbado hosted page ( is used. As soon as the user enters an Application URL, the email magic links will update. Therefore, the associated links ( e.g. in DAL or AASA will not work and nothing triggered, unless the files are updated.
    • Problem 2: If we use exactly the same link in an email magic link for desktop and mobile devices, the native app on a mobile device will always be opened (and never the mobile browser). Therefore, the email magic link for a mobile browser will always be intercepted if the native app is installed. The following options exist:
      • Ignore
      • Generate a different path if email magic link is triggered from a native app, for example with path /nativelinking/. Register the links only on the specified path and only then trigger the native app.
      • In any case: if no app is installed, the default browser will be opened automatically.

Open TODOs

  • Deep linking of information (e.g. via URL Parameters) for handling in native app
    • Finding: Flutter is able to retrieve queryParams as a regular web app
  • Check to see if magic link can be partially matched or it makes sense to (finalize examples)
    • Finding:
      • Generate email magic links on server:
// This is an example using Node.js and Express.js

const express = require('express');
const app = express();

app.get('/magic-link', (req, res) => {
const source = req.query.source;
let magicLinkUrl;

if (source === 'native') {
// Magic link triggered from native app
magicLinkUrl = '';
} else {
// Magic link triggered from browser
magicLinkUrl = '';

// Construct magic link URL with appropriate query parameters and path
const magicLink = `${magicLinkUrl}?source=${source}`;

// Send email or other means to the user containing the magic link URL

res.send('Magic link sent!');

function sendMagicLinkEmail(magicLink) {
// Implement logic to send email with magic link URL
console.log(`Sending magic link email: ${magicLink}`);

app.listen(3000, () => {
console.log('Server listening on port 3000');
const express = require('express');
const app = express();

app.get('/magic-link', (req, res) => {
// Store path of magic link in local storage (alternatively with shared preferences or database)
localStorage.setItem('magic-link-path', req.path);

// Construct magic link URL with appropriate path and query parameters
const magicLink = 'myapp://magic-link' + req.url;

// Redirect magic link from browser to native app
if (req.headers['user-agent'].includes('Mozilla')) {
// Magic link triggered from browser
const path = req.path;

if (path === '/native/') {
} else {
const webUrl = '' + path.replace('/native/', '/web/');
} else {
// Magic link triggered from native app
res.send('Magic link triggered from native app');


  • Send email magic link to users. The user opens the email link in Gmail or another third party app on his phone.
  • Handle incoming email magic links in flutter
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:url_launcher/url_launcher.dart';
import 'package:shared_preferences/shared_preferences.dart';

class MyHomePage extends StatefulWidget {
MyHomePage({Key? key, required this.title}) : super(key: key);

final String title;

_MyHomePageState createState() => _MyHomePageState();

class _MyHomePageState extends State<MyHomePage> {
String? _magicLink;

void initState() {

void _initMagicLink() async {
final prefs = await SharedPreferences.getInstance();
setState(() {
_magicLink = prefs.getString('magic_link');

Future<void> _launchURL(String url) async {
if (await canLaunch(url)) {
await launch(url);
} else {
throw 'Could not launch $url';

Future<void> _launchMagicLink() async {
final prefs = await SharedPreferences.getInstance();
final magicLink = prefs.getString('magic_link');
if (magicLink != null) {
await _launchURL(magicLink);
} else {
// No magic link available, handle error

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Scaffold(
appBar: AppBar(
title: Text(widget.title),
body: Center(
child: Column(
children: <Widget>[
if (_magicLink != null)
onPressed: _launchMagicLink,
child: Text('Launch Magic Link'),
onPressed: () async {
// Make request to server to generate magic link
final response = await http.get('');
final magicLink = response.body;

// Store magic link in local storage
final prefs = await SharedPreferences.getInstance();
await prefs.setString('magic_link', magicLink);

// Launch magic link
await _launchURL(magicLink);
child: Text('Generate Magic Link'),

  • Store path of magic link in local storage (alternatively with shared preferences or database)
  • Redirect magic link from browser to native app
  • The custom scheme will be corbado://
  • AASA file:
"applinks": {
"apps": [],
"details": [
"appID": "",
"paths": [ "/native/*" ]
"appID": "",
"components": [
"/": "/web/*",
"comment": "Open links in browser"

  • DAL file
"package_name": "com.example.corbado",
"sha256_cert_fingerprints": [
"app_links": [
"package_name": "com.example.corbado",
"sha256_cert_fingerprints": [
"intent": null,
"include_fallback": true,
"app_name": "Corbado",
"link": ""
"package_name": "com.example.corbado",
"sha256_cert_fingerprints": [
"intent": null,
"include_fallback": true,
"app_name": "Corbado",
"link": "corbado://magic-link/native/"

Things not considered yet

Deep Linking

Deep linking allows to link into a native app instead of opening the link in the browser on mobile devices.
